
  • Krista B., Washington >

    • I am so thankful for my experience working with Dr. Sarah. My journey began back when I became sick after my first child. At the time I was a practicing physician assistant. I crashed hard, ended up quitting my job and had doctors appointments with multiple specialists for the next 6 months. The conclusion: “Nothing is wrong with you.” I knew “something” was wrong, so I continued to dig. I eventually tested positive for Lyme and started working with a specialist in Chicago. That began the difficult journey of trying to kill the bacteria through multiple regimens without much detox support. I felt very sick for about 8 months. I was fed up and I quit everything, deciding to manage symptoms with my diet alone. Then I found Dr. Sarah.

      I was amazed during my first appointment at how much time she spent really trying to understand what was happening and where I’d been. She was understanding, supportive, and hopeful. She worked with me to find a plan that worked for me. What kind of treatments did I respond well to? What level of detox support did I need? How can we manage my symptoms while continuing to put in the work to clean my system? I ended up learning a lot about how the body works, physically and emotionally. My time with Dr. Sarah started me down a path towards healing. Today, I’m symptom-free from the Lyme!

      Dr. Sarah had a genuine interest in my success. She was passionate, empathetic, and always empowered me to see negative situations with a positive light. She was open minded and open handed about what treatments I wanted pursue. Her ultimate goal was to help me thrive on my own. It was also helpful for me to understand how I got sick in the first place, and what emotional and personal lessons I could learn from it. She didn’t just treat the illness with supplements or meds. She went so much deeper than that, uncovering the mysteries of who I really am. My walk through treatment with Dr. Sarah was monumental in not only physical healing but my mental and emotional state, and my spiritual walk with God. She walked me down the path of ultimately letting go and surrendering to the things I couldn’t change. Out of this full submission I not only grew as an individual but as a friend, a wife, a mother, and a daughter. And I am thriving and well today and still very thankful for the lessons I learned through my time with her.

  • Ann M., Texas >

    • My struggles with chronic illness may be likened to a long journey taken through a torturous wilderness landscape—a journey where it's difficult, if not impossible, to find the trail head, a compass, a map and a guide. There are many way stations along this journey and some, but not all, of these stops provide meaningful shelter and aid. The “way stations” here represent the many doctors I’ve seen, who each in their own way have tried to help me along this trek.

      I came to Dr. Sarah Carnes, my last "way station”, resigned that my chronic illness “journey” might never end and my life would revolve around a continuous cycle of mold and Lyme related treatments. With Dr Sarah’s immeasurably proficient medical and spiritual help, I've been "guided" to a state of health, wellness and happiness that I never dreamed would happen to me. I have now fully recovered from Lyme and mold related illness to a point where I can honestly say I feel better than I ever have in my entire life. Besides feeling physically great, I also have a spiritual calmness that has eluded me my entire life and I attribute this to Dr. Sarah’s guidance through the intuitive and spiritual levels of healing. I feel that she has addressed why I initially became ill on the deepest level, a prerequisite to healing the more physical aspects, and that has lead to a recovery that I had never dreamed was possible.

      I will forever be especially grateful to Dr. Sarah Carnes and also to all those who assisted me along this journey.

  • Kyle K., Washington >

    • Dr. Sarah has been a great resource and ally in helping me achieve optimal health. Her approach goes beyond just addressing symptoms, asking deeper questions to get to the root cause of illness. She uses a combination of ancient wisdom and modern technologies to support you in becoming your best self. She uses a holistic approach to address the physical, emotional and spiritual body. Her work is not just to cure illness, but to prevent it as well. She has also helped educate me and gave me tools take charge of my own health, unlike many modern practitioners that keep you coming back for more. I highly recommend Dr. Sarah and her work.

  • Ashley G., Idaho >

    • I began seeing Sarah when I was at the end of my rope in almost every way. We had been battling my Lyme disease and co-infections for multiple years, through absolute hell. I was totally bed-ridden, couldn’t even physically drag myself to the bathroom on my hands and knees most days, much less on my feet. I had experienced paralysis of my lower extremities for over 8 months, often didn’t recognize my husband or other caregivers, and couldn’t be left alone because I had no idea what was happening or where I was.

      We had been to multiple specialists by the time we saw Sarah, all the way from the Mayo Clinic, to Lyme disease specialists all across the country. All the treatment options we tried and were given, both natural and traditional, only made my body more toxically overloaded, and resulted in me being far more ill than before we started trying to treat my illness.

      I am no stranger to medicine or natural medicine. I am a very experienced herbalist and aromatherapist, as well as being highly educated in health and nutrition, as well as working in the traditional medical system for 6 years.

      So, my husband and I weren’t coming into my illness ignorant, nor were we easily persuaded by convincing doctors. I tried every option I had at my disposal, but I refused to “treat” myself fully until we could at least get a proper diagnosis. I have been witness to far too many people going wild with “cures” only to find out months or years later they were wasting all that time and energy fighting the wrong battle. So I was determined to figure out what WAS wrong before I hit it with both barrels remedy wise. The problem came when my health declined SO rapidly after my son was born, and I was misdiagnosed for the next three years with lupus, endometriosis, Crohn’s, anxiety disorder, MS, POTS, and the list keeps going on... I just kept receiving incorrect diagnoses, and I was too sick by the time we ACTUALLY figured out what was wrong (thanks to me being a dog with a bone and annoying my doctor despite being deathly ill to draw my blood so I could send it off to a specialized lab for Lyme infection testing). I was so totally incapacitated that I was no longer capable of collecting the herbal remedies I needed, and healing my own body without help.

      Enter Dr. Sarah Carnes.

      She was working at a clinic with multiple other practitioners when I first started seeing her. My husband made all the arrangements, did all the appointment bookings and even carried me for my first visit. I was so sick, and had been promised so many things from so many well meaning natural and medical doctors by this point, that I didn’t know if I even had much hope left. I couldn’t make my brain work. I couldn’t do anything but lay on the table, cry from time to time, and answer a question from time to time when my husband didn’t know the answer. I couldn’t even answer all Sarah’s questions myself, because I was simply too weak and mentally unable. Thankfully Sarah is very skilled at intuitive testing, reading the body, tapping into spirit and asking the needed questions even if a patient isn’t able to respond.

      To make a VERY long story a tad shorter... Sarah was a huge part of saving my life. In the last few years I have gone from an absolute wheelchair/bed bound person with very little mental capacity, back to myself, and an even better version than I was before. I am still building my strength up and healing damaged organs and systems that take awhile to regenerate, but I am practicing herbalism again, writing, harvesting, teaching, loving life...

      I could go on and on about my experience with Sarah for days, but I will say this: Sarah’s holistic approach of mind-body-spirit is the most comprehensive approach I’ve seen in over 20 years of practicing natural medicine myself, as well as a long family history of natural medicine lovers and a lifetime of experience going to all types to natural health professionals. She is not afraid to say the hard, or potentially “weird” sounding things if she thinks it will help. She is willing to step out of her own comfort zone to suggest things that might be helpful, even if she knows it might seem wacky. Without “wacky” I would never have gotten well, and I can’t begin to describe how comforting it was to find someone AT LAST who would suggest what was actually in MY best interest as the patient, even if it wasn’t a traditional or even common alternative approach. The amount of honesty around mental and spiritual health that she displayed with me and her suggestions were extremely valuable to me. My physical health was extremely poor, and needed to be addressed and healed, but the underlying emotional traumas, and the beliefs that I adopted around/because of those traumas were the ultimate source of the dis-ease in my body. I could not have gotten well with a purely physical approach. The root of my illness was mental/spiritual, and having support and guidance through the worst of the physical and spiritual battles was more valuable than I could ever begin to express.

      And on the physical side, Sarah continually impressed me, which I will be honest, because of my background, education and expertise is extremely hard to do. But I came to her as a pile of pain and illness, barely recognizing my own husband at times, and she treated me with the utmost care, love, and even respect. And everything she said/suggested resonated with me on such a deep level, that even if my brain wasn’t working well enough to corroborate her thoughts/opinions with my own knowledge; I still just KNEW that she had what I needed. And she did. That and more. Her passion, her dedication, her expertise and her heart are all above and beyond average or even excellent standards. I would highly recommend her services to anyone with an open mind and a willing heart to pull up your sleeves and do the insanely hard work of healing. If you are looking for a miracle worker with a magic pill, Sarah isn’t your gal. But if you are looking for an intelligent, compassionate, insanely smart, intuitive guide to help you on your road to health? I highly recommend Dr. Sarah Carnes.  

Additional feedback from patients:

“For a while now I have not felt like someone who is sick, just like someone who is well but trying to adjust to the real world I have been apart from while I was not well. Easing in to life again (or really for the first time in many ways) has been keeping me busy and that's the healing I'm doing. I've just recently begun driving my car again and taking a GED. My brain improves the more I stretch my abilities and that feels great. I know I couldn't have done this much without your help.”

BM, Tennessee

“When I was in my friend’s shop just hanging out about 30 minutes before I read and got your text, all my symptoms went away and I got this huge burst of energy like on a vit c and glutathione IV!”

JR, Georgia

“Thank you. Thank you so much. I’m seeing the shift. This evening I just experienced immense intention, vulnerability, and love.”

DM, California

From a patient in crisis at a distance, on a cruise ship:
“Whatever you did, it was an almost instant turnaround. I could speak again and the nausea has gone now. The nurse said, ‘There’s nothing your doctor can do to help you, if she’s not here.’
I feel like calling her and saying, ‘Beat that!’”

NC, off the coast of Panama

“We were speaking with a couple traveling with us about [the husband’s] current state of unwell, and how he has seen every doctor out there, and they say nothing is wrong with him, despite his obvious decline physically.
And [my spouse] actually decides to tell them that ‘NC’s doctor is amazing. I don’t know how she does it without even touching you or knowing what you’re doing, but she nails it every time. I didn’t believe it to start with, but I’ve got to tell you, it’s hard not to after you see her.’
I was floored as I never thought he felt that strongly about your work and more so that he would bring it up and with such glowing praise. Had to share because I think it’s important you know your hardest critic may have turned a page.”

NC, off the coast of Mexico

“(4 year old) is doing incredibly well. I’m so proud of his progress—his whole demeanor has changed since being on this protocol.”

MB, Australia

“I am not ape shit mad like in the past... progress! So much less and I am so grateful.”


“Wow, the information on the protocols is very interesting! Thank you for this clarity, pre-trip. It really helps me feel confident.”

MB, Australia

“I’m more authentically a mom than I’ve ever been.”

CM, Utah

“You’re like House MD with a wand.”

MC, California